NCJW SF (National Counsil of Jewish Women San Francisco section) is one of section for Jewish Women organization and they have 60 sections in US. Each one of NCJW SF strives for social justice by improving the quality of lives. For more than 115 years, NCJW SF has been focusing on to end human trafficking.
Organization Background
NCJW SF (National Counsil of Jewish Women San Francisco section) is one of section for Jewish Women organization and they have 60 sections in US. Each one of NCJW SF strives for social justice by improving the quality of lives. For more than 115 years, NCJW SF has been focusing on to end human trafficking.
Website renewal in order to increase the number of members and donation rate.
Give their website fresh new look.
Improve information architecture, and taxonomy.
Surveys and Interviews. Need to know about users, their behavior, goals, motivations, and their needs. Identifying attitude, desire and beliefs.
Persona Creation
Competitive Analysis
User Story, User Journey
Finding out “what” This organization’s website is open for all who are striving for social justice, but most likely for Jewish women as the name of this organization says (National Council of Jewish Women). I am not a Jewish, I have friends a few, but not much knowledge. So I started off to google, tried to figure out who are they. Who are Jews, brief history, demographic mapping, Jewish Americans, culture, and their mindset, etc. Most importantly, what does it look like being “typical Jewish woman”?. My approach is starting off research, study about their background. After spent a few days here and there, google and wikipedia, asking questions to my Jewish friends to build up basic Jewish knowledge. Then I started to organize my thoughts and took notes, what do I need to know more about them? I still needed to be clear about
1. Who are Jewish women and how they behave? 2. What is social justice mean to them?
I conducted a quick survey and gathered information.
Internal Survey
I conducted internal survey to ask simple questions in order to find out “Who we are” and “What we do”. Since this organization is non profit and not selling any actual products, we had to make it clear what our values are.
What is most important value of being Jewish?
What does social justice means for you?
External Survey
After brainstormed with my team, I also conducted external survey. The purpose of this survey was to find out “why”s about social justice, volunteering and making donations. One of our goal is to increase donation conversion rate, so I needed to find out what is excite them? or what is pain points?
Tool : Googleforms
Sample Questions
Are you currently belong to organization related human rights/social justice? (e.g. Amnesty)
How much time do you typically spend on volunteer monthly?
What is the most exciting for you to do volunteer?
What is the biggest pain point related to doing volunteer?
Why do you keep doing volunteer… why is it important to you?
What is the biggest pain point related to making donation?
After I conducted survey, I created persona which is beased on the result. Leah is a modern Jewish woman who lives in San Francisco. She is looking for a place to dedicate her spare time for community work. Also she likes to hook up with Jewish community.
Competitive Analysis
Improve information archtehcture
Need convincing copy writing for titles, grab attention in short sentence
Need to give urgent feeling “take action now, give whatever you can”
Update news section more often in order to engage members
Sitemap Draft
Key Points
Simplify as possible. (Too many items on current website nav bar)
Focus on membership convertion rate and donation rate.
We need to highlight on the most recent events.
A simplified and prioritized main navigation that supported the user’s focused message while reducing the number of pages. Also to help increase donations and sign ups.
Wireframe Sketch
Key Points
Focus on visual hierarchy.
Need to bring cutting-edge and professional feelings. Also bring urgent feeling as well.
“Clickability” is the key to pull in users.
Slogan for NCJW
Words for NCJW
Take action
Extended Family
Girls Power
Moving Forward
User Story
As a user, I want to sign up for membership online so that I can contribute to community.
Make sure it’s possible to sign up for membership online. We will display clear and enough explanation for membership benefits. Make sure it’s possible to send notification to membership manager when someone became a member.
As a user, I want to sign up for volunteer online via NCJW website so that I can register for volunteer easily.
Make sure it’s possible to sign up for volunteer online. Also to send notification to volunteer coordinator when someone signs up for volunteer.
Make sure the following is the most prominent in sign up form. (Name, Volunteer name, Date/Time, Contact info) Easily add notes/comments/question in sign up form. Send notification to the user.
As a user, I want to know about human trafficking so that I can educate myself.
Make sure it’s possible to search by topic. Make sure each article has descriptive info.
As a user, I want to give donations online so that I can contribute to social justice at home.
Make sure it’s possible to make donations online.
User Journey
Emotion is the key. User Journey is a great tool to make sure team members are on the same page.